

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 11 months ago

Murabit Berber - 1039AD to 1145AD



Draft list


Adrian Garbett - updated 10/03/07



Army list


1-2 Berber Cavalry Divisions of

0-1 Berber cavalry

1-2 Berber horse


1-2 Berber Infantry Divisions of

1-3 Berber infantry


0-2 Lamtunna Infantry Divisions of

1-2 Lamtunna infantry


0-1 Christian Division of

1 Christian cavalry

0-1 Christian crossbowmen

0-1 Christian horse


Optional Units

0-1 Tuareg camelry (1)

0-2 Berber horse(2)

0-4 Berber javelinmen (3)

0-1 Christian cavalry (4)

0-1 Berber or Christian crossbows (5)

0-1 Black Guard (6)


(1)Tuaregs may not be chosen if there are any Christian troops used

(2) May only be attached to a Berber or Lamtunna Division

(3) May only be attached to an Infantry Division

(4)May not be chosen if a Christian Division is used. May only be attached to a Cavalry Division

(5) Berbers must be attached to an Infantry Division. If Christian must be attached to the same Division as any Christian Cavalry used. Christians may not be chosen if a Christian Division is used.

(6) If the Black Guard are used they must be in the C-in-C's Division





Lamtunna infantry

Medium Shieldsmen + Archer detachment

Initiative 6 - Elite

Base (Points)

6 (45)

8 (56)

The Lamtunna were "fanatical" in their religious zeal, this made them more solid in their battlefield behaviour but not particularly audacious hence the Elite classification. Otherwise they were similar to other Berber spearmen.


Berber infantry

Medium Shieldsmen + Archer detachment

Initiative 6

Bases (Points)

6 (39)

8 (48)


Initiative 5

6 (33)

8 (39)


Berber cavalry

Medium Cavalry

Initiative 6 - Wave

Bases (Points)

4 (52)

6 (72)


Berber horse

Light Irregular Horse

Initiative 6 - Wave

Bases (Points)

3 (39)

4 (48)

6 (66)


Tuareg camelry

Heavy Irregular Horse

Initiative 6 - Audacious

Bases (Points)

3 (48)

4 (60)


Berber javelinmen

Light Irregular foot

Initiative 5

Bases (Points)

4 (17)

6 (22)


Earlier Berber armies could have large numbers of these lightly (badly?) equipped men.


Christian cavalry

Medium Chevaliers

Initiative 6 - Audacious

Bases (Points)

3 (78)

4 (96)


Heavy Cavalry

Initiative 6 - Audacious

Bases (Points)

4 (60)

6 (84)

Christian cavalry served as mercenaries and as allies of the Berbers. They were highly prized by them and some were based in North Africa.


Christian horse

Light Irregular Horse

Initiative 6 - Wave

Bases (Points)

3 (39)

4 (48)


Berber or Christian crossbows

Medium Archers

Initiative 6

Bases (Points)

4 (28)


The Black Guard

Medium Shieldsmen - Elite

Initiative 6

Bases (Points)

6 (38)

8 (48)


These were Black African bodyguard troops. There is no record of them having archer detachments.

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