The medieval period was most prominent for the wars of independence against England. This is the period of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce.
The dominant feature of Scottish armies, in England and Central Scotland, of this period were blocks of determined spearmen provided by the county levies. Armies in France during the 100YW were made up of men at arms, archers and a few heavy infantry. Naval forces and ship born expeditions were raised from standard 'ship troops' (as per contemporary Norwegian, Danish, English, Dublin, Manx etc Naval forces).
At Largs (1263) the Scots archers defeated the Norwegians first contingent by massed archery. The main Scots army consisted of lightly armoured foot with axes and a body of knights on barded horses who delivered a series of very effective charges into the Norwegian troops. The battle was effectively a series of separate encounters between successive bodies of Norwegians and the Scots.
this is a marker for an option to replace ALL spear armed levy with Highland style troops
At Falkirk (1298), the Scottish army was organised into 3 basic divisions of spearmen, drawn up in the form of an orb. Between these formations (__schiltrons__) there was a band of border archers, with a group of horsemen in the rear
At Bannockburn (1314) there were four basic divisions. The rear division included a special reserve of 500 men-at-arms. Otherwise the army was dominated by spearmen.
At Halidon Hill (1333) the Scots again formed up in 4 divisions. One account gives the army as having 55 knights, 1000 men-at-arms and 13500 commoners. The knights and men-at-arms dismounted to fight. Durham or Nevilles Cross was fought in 1346, with the Scots attacking in 3 divisions.
Other battles in this period include Otterburne 1388 (or Chevy Chase), Homildon 1402 and Shrewsbury 1403
Army List
2-4 Divisions of
2-3 Spearmen
0-1 Archers
0-1 Divisions of
1-2 Men-at-Arms
0-2 Spearmen
0-2 Allied Highland or Islemen Divisions
2-3 Islemen or Highlanders
There were 21 Highland chiefs included in Robert the Bruce's army at Bannockburn
Audacious Heavy Chevaliers- Initiative 6
2 bases (pts)
3 bases (pts)
Armoured Shock- Initiative 6
4 bases
Scottish men-at-arms had a reputation for slow adoption of plate armour, preferring mail for much of the 14th C. Wallace fought dismounted with a 2-handed sword at Falkirk
Medium Shieldsmen- Initiative 6
6 bases (pts)
8 bases (pts)
Spearmen can be optionally fielded in deep-line
Light or Medium Archers- Initiative 6
4 bases (pts)
Islemen or Highlanders
Allied Light or Medium Irregulars- Initiative 6
4 bases (pts)
6 bases (pts)
Prepared Pits and Stakes- Medium Fortifications
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