

Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 1 month ago


Army List


1-3 Ghilman Divisions

1c Ghilman or Palace Ghilman

1 Ghilman


0-1 Elephant Divisions

1-2 Elephants


Elephants were often massed together and were employed in increasing numbers during the 11th C


0-2 al-Rijjal Divisions

1 Early or Later Ghaznavid foot

0-2 Dailami


0-1 Auxiliary Division

1 Kurd Cavalry

1 Arab Horse


0-1 Ghazi Division

2-3 Ghazi

0-1 Ghazi foot


0-1 Qarakhanid Ally Division

0-1 Hindu Indian Division


Optional Units

0-1 Elephant

0-1 Arab Horse

0-1 Afghan irregulars

0-1 Indian Archers

0-2 Turkish, Tajik or Nomad Auxiliaries

0-16 Ditch and Rampart



Palace Ghilman

Hvy Horse Archers- Initiative 8

2 bases 63 pts

4 bases 98 pts

Extra to replace general's base with command-elephant +30 pts


Only one unit of palace ghilman may be used



Med Horse Archers- Initiative 7

4 bases 72 pts

Extra to replace general's base with command elephant +25 pts



At least half an army's Horse Archers must be ghilman or palace ghilman- this was no quasi-Steppe army.


Early Ghaznavid Foot

Heavy Shieldsmen with Lt Archer Detachment- Initiative 6

6 bases 42 pts

8 bases 52 pts


Early Ghaznavid foot were noted for their use of armour, spears and bows.


Later Ghaznavid Foot

Medium Shieldsmen with Lt Archer Detachment- Initiative 5

6 bases 32 pts

8 bases 39 pts



Med Shock- Initiative 6

4 bases 32 pts

No more than 2 units of Dailami may be used. Only 1 may be used after 1055 AD


Afghan Irregulars

Lt of Med Irregulars- Initiative 6

4 bases 26 pts

6 bases 32 pts


Ditch and Rampart

Medium Fortifications

8 pts

Ditch and rampart was used to protect camps and occasionally in India to hinder Indian opponents

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